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  • 2020 Visions

    Happy New Year, all! 2020 is one of those years that seems particularly significant–it’s a new decade and feels like a fresh start. I am entering 2020 with a new career, a blog, and a new outlook on the things I want for myself and how to get them. To be honest, I have never been one to make new year’s resolutions. I have always looked at a new year as a time to set goals and intentions. Unfortunately, my past track record has not been so good with following through on the things I desire. Now that I am actually feeling the wheels of change in motion, I want to proclaim my intentions for this year to all who are reading this post on my little corner of the internet.

    Intention #1: Eliminate Negative Self-Talk and Self-Doubt

    After years of talking my self out of things, or telling myself why I should not do something, I’m ready to let that way of thinking go. I can’t tell you how many years I wanted to start a blog, but would think, “It’s too hard,” or “why would anyone care what I’m wearing or have to say?” Then I realized…who cares?! Who cares if people roll their eyes or if no one visits my site! What matters is that I am and following my heart, and doing something that brings me so much joy and fulfillment. It is okay to do something just for me!

    In transitioning from teaching to real estate I felt the same way–doubtful, scared, and worried. Now, when I feel overwhelmed, instead of going to a place of negativity, I am kind to myself. I assure myself that it takes time to learn new skills and to become an expert in a new field. I am kind and patient with myself. Some days are better than others, but I am committed to always face my fears instead of letting them control and limit me.

    Intention #2: Spend My Down Time More Productively

    I know that I’m not alone in my tendency to binge-watch tv, or to stare at Instagram for way too long…and there is definitely a time and place for those things! But, there is also so much that I want to do, and at times my lazy ways get in the way of productivity and creativity. This is especially true in the evenings after work and on the weekends. My intention is to block a few hours a week toward creative projects that interest me. I want to make videos for IG TV, practice lettering and calligraphy, and to spend more time blogging. Shaving off a half hour of lounging here and there will leave more than enough time to meet my productivity goals!

    Intention #3: Be Generous with my Time and Money

    While teaching, I always felt like I was providing a service for the community. It was my way of giving back, and luckily for me it was also my full time job! Now that I’m not in the classroom every day, I want to spend a portion of my time volunteering and donating to causes that matter to me. There is so much going on in the world right now that causes me stress and anxiety. Politics, natural disasters, police brutality…the list goes on and on. Knowing that I am doing something proactive to make even a small change for the better makes me feel like there is hope. I recently donated to a fund rescuing animals from the wildfires in Australia. I will continue to prioritize giving to causes that speak to me.

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    There you have it! My intentions for 2020 are not lofty or unrealistic. They are things that I will need to hold myself accountable for on a daily basis. I am beyond excited to see what this year holds for me. Have you set any intentions for the new year? If so, share them with me in the comments!

    Thanks so much for reading! XOXO, Persia


